Thursday, November 15, 2012


Sorry it's been a while and such. I'll try to be more consistent!!

Why is it so hard for us to forgive? Who among us has not been hurt by a spouse or a family member or a co worker or friend, and maybe we have even expressed or forgiveness for their said offense..but have we really given it? I am a sensitive person, my feelings are hurt easily and often and I wear my heart on my sleeve which make me easy to offend. While I see the flaw in this characteristic ...and have had it pointed out by many...I have also learned to embrace the positive side of this. Yes I have to watch from being taken advantage of...but that can easily be fixed by reminding myself..Am I saying yes to doing this because I really WANT to do it, or because I am seeking this persons approval? But perpetually looking for the best in people is kind of a good thing isn't it? Isn't that what God want us to do? Turn the other cheek right? is the tough part. I know that I am supposed to forgive. But let's imagine what unconditional forgiveness would feel like. Does that mean tell the person yet everytime you are around them you feel uneasy? Or you keep repeating the said offense over in your head when you run into them? Or the next time you are in a similar situation you expect bad outcome again?? I don't think that's the idea. When Jesus died for us our slate was WIPED CLEAN. When he sees us He does not think...oh I died for you but there is till that one thing that I really didn't like so I'm not totally over that yet. Nope. Clean slate. Total forgiveness and unconditional forgiveness my friend. Now let's apply that to our own situations. When you are faced with a situation in which you are called to extend that, then remember we are supposed to be living in that image. Our forgiveness is also supposed to be without conditions. Now that doesn't mean that God wants us to continue to place ourselves in unhealthy relationships or situations because he doesn't. He does not expect you to continue unhealthy paths..but there is a tremendous weight lifted from your shoulders when you let go of that. Harboring resentment and old hurt feelings prevents you from moving forward. When you are burdened by the hurt that other people have placed on your shoulders, then you are not offering unconditional forgiveness. That is..I am telling you I forgive you to your face, but I'm really still mad about that thing you did. Keep in mind that the flip side to this is accepting the forgiveness that others have extended onto you. When someone in good faith tells you that they have let that go...and they are following Gods path...then we owe that to them to accept that they have let it go. That means forgive yourself to. Stop beating yourself up about the mistakes and hurt that you have extended. When that unconditional forgiveness has been extended then you are freed from the ties of that.
 Ok, so apply. Maybe you find yourself in a tough relationship right now. You have been hurt and ad not sure how to move forward. In encourage you...let it go. Extend tht forgiveness. Pray this prayer.

Dear Lord. I was very hurt by.......and I have allowed  myself to be vulnerable and trusting and they violated my trust. But I want to let that go. I want to ask for your help in filling me with the ability to forgive them and to forgive their wrong without conditions as you sent your son to forgive us. I ask for your help in lifting this weight from my shoulders and I pray for.......that they may accept my gift of forgiveness and that it may in some way help to soften their hearts and help them see the works of You in my life and how Your strength has allowed me to be freed of this. I pray for........and wish them the love and peace in their life that You have placed in mind. if they know You , then let this be a lesson in Your love and if they do not, let this serve as an opportunity to see Your greatness. Amen

Ok. Let. It. Go. Don't bring it back up, don't hold it over thir heads. Feel free to walk away from the situation, but don't let it define you. We are living out lives in the effort to reflect the almighty love of our Heavenly Father and if He can wipe my slate clean and never look back..then I think I can try to extend the same.

And one more thing.....forgive yourself. God has already done so, and what make us think we know more then He does. :)