Sunday, March 6, 2011

Then There Were Two

Eden is my second born baby. She is the one that we tried to get pregnant with. I knew right after I had Merrin, that I wanted her to have a sibling, so when she was a little over one, we decided to try for another one. I found out that I was pregnant with Eden in April of 2006. We got our orders to leave for Andrews in May. When we moved from Germany I was in the very beginnings of my pregnancy and feeling completely awful, the first few months I was so busy with Merrin and the move that I didnt really get a chance to let it all settle in. Once we were settled in our new home, I began to think about how it was going to be for Merrin to have a little sister. They would get to do all the things that my sister and I used to baby dolls that go to get thier pictures taken at Olan Mills, pretend they were homeless, dump cups of freexing water on each other in the shower and all that other good stuff. Having a little sister is FUN. I had Eden on February 3, 2007.
I was pretty certain that she was NEVER going to come out of my belly. She was almost two full weeks late and had to be induced at that.

Right away I knew that she was going to be nothing like her big sister. She SCREAMED her head of the second she entered the world,( Merrin was totally silent, the only time in her whole life)and had a head full of black hair. She was a very easy and laid back baby, with a sweet nature and super attached to her Mommy. She was head over heels in love with her big sister and was always wanting to be included in whatever she was doing. ( That has not changed). She was a very sweet baby and really only cried if she was not within sight of her Mommy or wanting to eat. She was a late crawler, late walker and I thought she would never start to talk. Just like how she entered the world, she has always had her own timeoline to reach her milestone. Eden can not be rushed.

Eden has grown up to be a very sweet and thoughtful child. She is very concerned with people's feelings, is very sensitive and always genuine. She has always been a Mommy's girl, she shares my particular way of doing things and my extreme concern with what other people think of me. She is silly and loves to make us smile. She is also a lot like her Dad. She is very routine, and orderly and likes things a very certian way. She has his strong heart and his tendency to be an observer and is very good at reading character.
Eden fights for her chance to be heard. Big sister Merrin likes to "dominate the stage" and I think that Eden is jsut starting to know that she has a voice too. One of her new favorite things to say is " You are interupting me!!" She has found some of her independence as she has grown. She still prefers to be with her sister or her Mom, but has gotten to where she will even speak to the other kids in preschool and Sunday school now.When I pick her up she will say, " Mom!! I talked today!!"
I think she feels overshadowed by her big sister sometimes, and is not sure where her voice fits in. I want her to feel that she is valuable to us too and that we wnat to hear what she has to say too. I think maybe this is a little sister thing, but I was the big sister so i guess i did the dominating of the converstaion..sorry Liz.
Unless she is not being listened too...she is still a pretty quiet kid. She entertains herself pretty well, loves to play baby dolls, barbies, painting, to hear stories and to solve puzzles. Eden is my observer. She watches people and studies them. She likes to figure people out and know them really deeply and closely. I hope for her that she keeps this as she learns more abouther God and that she seeks out this close realtionship with Him. She likes to touch peoples faces when she talks to them and studies what they are feeling and thinking. She is sooo sensetive to other people and what they need. She is kind and compassionate.
She can be a little "overemotional" and likes to over dramatize everything. She is SOOOOOO hungry or SOOOOOO tired and she makes a big deal over little things. Her particularities can try my patience as much as Merrin's business can. She likes things HER WAY and lets you knwo if you are not accommodating that. She is a very sweet girl. She is my snugger and my child who likes to be my helper. I hope that she keeps her passion and compassion and sweet and generous spirit.
And I suppose she even keeps her particularities too. There is nothing wrong with knowing what you want and not letting anyone else's opinion sway your beliefs. She is the perfect little sister and also a really good kid. and one more thing....when ever she gets a new present, she immediately goes and puts it away. wonder where she got that from.....

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